Sunday, May 16, 2010

Highlights of the past few weeks:

Highlights of the past few weeks:

Getting a Job
For the past 8 months, I have been searching for a job. At first, it seemed like fun trying to find jobs, submit resumes, and trying to set up interviews. That fun ended once crunch time came. It was two months before graduation and I had nothing in front of me except my childhood bedroom and the movie theater. Luckily, I had kept in touch with different companies I had met with throughout the year and got some interest expressed from some of them and eventually landed a job! Having a job before graduation is a huge accomplishment in this economy and it is becoming very evident that I am one of the lucky ones.

Apartment Hunting
After getting a job, I realized that I had nowhere to live and needed to find a place ASAP! So, my mom and I went a week after getting the job to look at apartments. We saw huge apartments with the most amazing surroundings, which were so far outside my budget that I nearly lost hope. Then we ventured to downtown Richmond and found the most amazing apartments in my budget. Luckily, I kept an open mind throughout the entire day and didn’t make any decisions until we saw all the apartments because the last place we saw sealed the deal. I put down a deposit and got a great 1 bedroom apartment!

Graduation 2010
On May 8, 2010, I graduated college. I will be honest, I was extremely sad. It wasn’t until the night before graduation that I realized that I was actually graduating and the realization that life as I had known it for the past 4 years was coming to an end. There were tears and lack of sleep that night, but then graduation came and went as if it was just another bump in the road. I sat out in the heat for 3 hours listening to speakers I did not care for talk about next moves in our lives and all that crap. The most amusing thing of graduation (besides people’s mortar boards blowing away in the wind and them running after them) was the fact that two of my fellow staff members were watching from Wheeler and nearly got arrested. That made graduation so much better!

On May 13, 2010, I moved into my first apartment. I had moved most of my stuff into the apartment beforehand, but I spent my first night in Richmond, without anyone with me, on that night. It was quite sad, venturing around Richmond, going into the scariest Wal-Mart ever, and trying to put together furniture with very vague instructions. I survived the move and managed to get most of my stuff unpacked in two days. That is a huge accomplishment when you see how much stuff I have. As I enter the working world, I look forward to living in Richmond, working, and experiencing city life for a change. As I live my new life, I plan to document it and share with anyone that reads this. Until next time, this is Life As I Know It!

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